Financial Education Tips

Financial Education Tips

Financial education requires study and practice of the various concepts that permeate the subject.

So who expects to get rich quickly and without acquiring sufficient knowledge before what requires a lot of effort.

1. Make a financial diagnosis

To seek a source of knowledge in financial education more targeted to your financial needs, it is super important to understand what your reality is today.

In other words, how do you manage money, do you have debt, do you work to pay bills or to ensure a prosperous life?

Reflect on your financial life, know your main money-related pains and from there seek advice to guide you on the right path.

2. Control your expenses

When we talk about financial education, we need to talk about effective ways to control your spending.

Knowing where your money goes and, more specifically, how much is spent in each area, helps you know which expenses to cut or reduce. With financial control applications, you can manage your budget in a simple and practical way.

3. Set goals and objectives

It is difficult to save without having financial goals and objectives in mind. Therefore, outline your short-, medium- and long-term objectives and set financial goals for them.

You will see that it is much easier to allocate part of your income to a dream that has concrete definitions.

4. Develop the habit of saving

Saving money can become a real obsession, but in a good way.

The person seeking financial education always seeks to minimize his or her expenses and, to do so, always tries to save.

Exercise simple habits to avoid spending more than necessary, such as: researching prices before a purchase, looking for discounts or cashback programs, bargaining and analyzing the possibility of acquiring similar products cheaper.

5. Earn, save and invest

This is a tripod that should be followed by anyone aiming for financial education.

Ending the month with nothing or in debt is terrible. Therefore, you urgently need to reduce your expenses to fulfill the other two steps of the cycle: saving and investing.

Ideally, at least 10% of your income should be allocated to financial reserves. If you are in debt, the first step is still to reduce your expenses, but focus first on paying off debts and only then invest.

6. Learn to create budgets

To meet the cycle, you need to have a thorough understanding of your financial situation and, to do this, you should create budgets based on:

  • Control your expenses;
  • Understand where the highest percentages of expenses are concentrated;
  • Where it is possible to cut back.

If your case is different, that is, you already save part of what you earn per month, study the possibility of increasing this percentage or even getting extra income.

7. Use a financial manager

As already mentioned, applying the concepts of financial education through greater control of your assets is possible thanks to financial management applications.

With them, it is possible to keep track of expenses and make records at the moment when expenses or income occur, avoiding errors due to forgetfulness.

By Santiago Pérez

I am Santiago Pérez, a personal finance writer with over 35 years of experience. I am part of the editorial staff of and I live in Caracas, Venezuela.

